If you would like to join us, your first couple of Reel Club (club night) visits are gratis.  After that, we hope you enjoy it so much that you join as a member.

We offer two levels of membership.  Both levels receive a €10 discount for each dance event/ceilidh (including our Ball) and have voting rights in how the club is run.

“A” Membership

Our standard membership includes unlimited Reel Club attendance and discount on all events.  “A” membership costs €150 per year.  We offer pro rata reductions during the year.  We also offer a reduced “A” membership rate of €80 per year for students.

“B” Membership

We offer “B” membership to those who only wish to join for our events, (our three ceilidh parties with an entrance fee and/or our Charity Ball) or only occasionally come to Reel Club (and then pay €10 for each Reel Club they attend).  “B” members receive the discounts to each of these ceilidhs and to the Ball.  “B” membership costs €50 per year; this rate applies to all, including students, since much of its cost is recoverable with the “B” members’ discounts to events.

Membership fees are due in September each year.   They should be paid directly into our bank account with IBAN below:   

NL51 ABNA 0608 8536 07