
We thank you for your interest in the St Andrew’s Society of the Netherlands, either by requesting information or by attending a recent dance.  We may send invitations to events following attendance at a dance or other indication of interest from you.  If do not wish to continue receiving these invitations please inform our Secretary, Marion Trap.  The only non-member data we have is the names (plus the email addresses and mobile numbers of some) of those who have attended one of our dances.

StA members 

The St Andrew’s Society of  the Netherlands membership record shows the following member’s details:-

  1. Membership category 
  2. Name
  3. Phone number/s (landline and/or mobile)
  4. Addresses (house and email).  

This data is restricted to that necessary for the need of communication to and between members, being a Society with no premises of our own. Membership data is available to all members. The Society does not share this information with any third party.  Should a member wish their record amended or deleted, they should inform the Society’s Secretary, Marion Trap.  The Society holds no other information; specifically no sensitive nor special data such as gender, racial/ethnic origin, political opinion, religious belief etc.